Friday, December 22, 2006

Tower Collapse Analysis

This blog will be dedicated to a structural dynamic analysis of how the towers collapsed, drawing upon engineering principles and testimony by NIST ( The National Institute of Standards and Technology ), academic scholars, engineers, analysts and observers who witnessed the event. This is an important exercise because the collapse of the towers mitigated what may have been a more complete evacuation, therefore preventing more lives from being saved.

One of the obvious concerns is the anomaly that Tower 7 presents in terms of what explanations have been promulgated regarding how the Twin Towers failed and ultimately collapsed. If one were to believe the explanation set forth by NIST and in the scholarly journals, that explanation might be rapidly discredibilized in a way that extends beyond the speculative by the fact that the failure mode of Tower 7 could not have been that of the other towers. A compelling anomaly indeed.


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